Angel Tattoos and Symbols

Angel Tattoos

Angel Tattoos: There are two models in describing angels, that there are angels male and female angels. But both have the same meaning as a symbol of ‘Protection, Security, and as Guardians of Hope and Ideals’.

Women Angel Tattoos Designs

Women Angel Tattoos 2011

Great Angel Tattoos 2011

Nice Women Angel Tattoos 2011

Culture Tattoo That Looks Modern

Best Polynesian Tattoos for 2011

Often people misunderstood about tattoos and piercing. Most people today feel that tattoos and piercing is the proper thing to be avoided and resisted, and the tattooed and pierced people or so-called collectors are also getting a negative image of the community. Though the history of tattoos and piercing, which in reality is the old culture of the world community even in USA itself to the community.

Chest Polynesian Tattoos 2011

Shoulder Polynesian Tattoos Art

Foot Polynesian Tattoos 2011

Indeed, historical evidence is less clear the tattoo, but experts conclude that the art of tattooing has existed since 12,000 years BC. Ancient tattoos are used for some sort of ritual for ancient tribes like the Maori, Inca, Ainu, Polynesians, and others. It is said that according to history, the tattoo was originally discovered in Egypt at the time of construction of the Great Pyramids. And then the Egyptians expanded their empire spread followed by tattoo art. The development of civilization of Crete, Greece, Persia and Arabia has further expanded the art form. around 2000 BC, the art of tattooing spread to China. And the word tattoo itself comes from the Tahitian language is “tutu”, meaning “sign / indicates something”.

In Indonesia alone, tattoo lovers often become marginalized. Especially when the New Order era and the emergence of PETER (Mysterious Shooter) who hunt down people with tattoos. It was regarded as a tattooed thug, criminal, criminals, and so on. So that time many people who want to remove the entire tattoo tattooed there in body to avoid Peter.

However, in the progress to date stigma that society began to decrease, although it still exists. Tattoos began to be regarded as a fashion, because a tattoo can enhance and increase your confidence as a person or body accessories.

Tattooing is part of an art, not again to the world of violence and criminality. Tattoos are an expression of one’s event, both the artist (tattoo) or lovers of tattoos themselves. Like painting, tattoos himself has a meaning behind a picture.

General Instructions Before Doing the Tattoos

Great Tattoo Artist in 2011

Follow the general procedures and regulations set by the Tattoo Artist you, consult in advance and obtain the fullest information about the tattoo you want. Think carefully guard against the possibility of future regret. For those of you who is under the standard provisions issued by your Tattoo Artist, required to bring the letter of consent from a parent / guardian before you do the tattoo.

Men Tattoo Artist 2011

Girls Tattoo Artist Art

Amazing Tattoo Artist for 2011

2011 Tattoo Artist Designs

Note the right tools that will be used by Tattoo Artist you in doing the process, whether already in disinfect with clean and sterile? not contaminated by various forms of germs and bacteria, so you will be free from the share of illnesses are quite serious. For those of you who have serious problems with the skin is quite sensitive, it is advisable to consult your doctor prior to a specialist (if needed), or ask directly on your Tattoo Artist.

To further simplify the process tattoo, try to condition your body and health must be in normal condition and stable, adequate sleep and eat, free from the influence of alcohol (liquor) and drugs (illicit drugs and the like), make sure to avoid problems that serious enough at the time of the workmanship.

2011 Various Alyssa Milano Tattoos Collection

Alyssa Milano Tattoos

Alyssa is an actress who is fond of tattoos. In addition crucifix tattoo, he still has a few tattoos ‘hidden’ in the body.

Nice Alyssa Milano Tattoos Collection

Beautiful Cross Alyssa Milano Tattoos

2011 Alyssa Milano Tattoos Designs with Cross

2011 Sienna Miller Tattoos Galleries

Sienna Miller Tattoos

Turned out to describe the brilliance of star tattoo celebrity career. In addition to Rihanna, Sienna Miller, too. Many other artists who also have tattoos of stars like Lindsay Lohan, Kate Hudson, and Victoria Beckham.

2011 Sienna Miller Tattoos

Great Sienna Miller Tattoos for Designs

Sweet Sienna Miller Tattoos Art

Women Sienna Miller Tattoos

Luxury Leather Tattoos Designs Collection

2011 Women Feather Tattoos Art

Now many women who have a tattoo design on his body. Feather tattoo is a tattoo of a popular type among women, feather tattoo is a symbol depicting the ‘Creativity, or to describe the feeling as Reborn.

2011 Feather Tattoos Designs

Amazing Girls Feather Tattoo

Best Girls Feather Tattoos Designs

Great Women Feather Tattoo

The Best Traditions of Henna Tattoos

Best Girls Hand Henna Tattoo

For hundreds of years, women in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia to adopt the tradition of hand coloring like this. Henna painting is made from henna leaves the basic ingredients are made ??into a paste. In India, women who wear veils pakian (lacework) and painted henna better known as mehndi. These designs are believed to ward off evil or as a form of happiness.

Women Arm Henna Tattoos

2011 Henna Tattoos

Hand Henna Tattoos for 2011

Women Full Back Henna Tattoos

The Secret Body Tattoos Reese Witherspoon

Amazing Reese Witherspoon Tattoo Designs Photo

Secretly actress c has a tattoo that adorned his body. Unlike other artists who bluntly told the meaning of his tattoo, Witherspoon seems to prefer to hide the tattoo’s.

2011 Reese Witherspoon Tattoo for Stomach

Reese Witherspoon Tattoo Designs

Reese Witherspoon Tattoos on Stomach

During this time, Witherspoon is known as the artist who politely and never make a sensation. Life lived blond artist is also very understated and far from the lifestyle of the Hollywood celebrities who love to rah-rah and partying until dawn.

Not surprisingly, many are wondering when the mother of two children appear to have a tattoo on her lower abdomen. Tattooing was caught on camera while Witherspoon was relaxing in Malibu beach with her two children, Ava and Deacon.

As quoted from page dailymail, tattoos were made on the left side of his stomach. He seems reluctant to reveal the tattoos that adorn his stomach. Although wearing a white bikini, the star of ‘The Walk the Line’ is chosen to cover the tattoo with a shirt blue jeans. Reportedly, the tattoo is etched on his body not long ago.

Witherspoon enjoyed a holiday with his little family. Because of recent times, Witherspoon was busy promoting the film ‘Water for Elephant’. He will soon star in the romantic comedy genre film latest ‘This Means War’ with Chris Pine and Tom Hardy.

Witherspoon is one of the prolific Hollywood actress. He is also on the list of highest-paid actress. His name is under Angelina Jolie and Sarah Jessica Parker. During May 2010 to May 2011, he amassed earnings of $ 28 million.